施瓦辛格将杀回影坛 肌肉硬汉想转型(图)

http://www.sina.com.cn   2011年01月18日 14:25   国际在线
施瓦辛格将杀回影坛 肌肉硬汉想转型施瓦辛格将杀回影坛 肌肉硬汉想转型




  Arnold Schwarzenegger has just barely left the Governor's office, and is already talking about returning to film. The actor told Austrian publication Krone.at (via TheArnoldFans.com) that he is currently looking at three scripts. Here's what Arnold Schwarzenegger had to say:

  "Currently I'm reading three scripts. One topic/script, which I considered a long time ago before governor, is delighting me particularly. In it I would play an older soldier, who gets the order at the ending of the war to kill a bunch of kids. But he doesn't do it and get them to safety at the risk of his life and it has all kind of adventure. This script is based on a true story!"

  "In the future I have to adapt my roles to my age. Clint Eastwood also has done it in the same way。

  Extreme fighting or shooting is not possible anymore. I want to be more encouraged as an actor and I believe that I can manage this challenge. I am like a sponge, which is absorbing all the knowledge and always be willing to learn all new things."


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