威廉办慈善婚礼 来宾贺礼统统给穷人

http://www.sina.com.cn   2011年01月19日 10:00   中国日报网-英语点津

  Most happy couples get ten toasters, bed linen or, at best, a washing machine. Royalty usually go one better – with a racehorse topping the Queen and Prince Philip’s gift list, while Prince Charles and Diana received a ?1 million gem-encrusted gold model of an Arab boat. However, Prince William and Kate Middleton, who want to put their own stamp on their big day, are shunning a traditional wedding list – and lavish gifts – and instead asking guests to donate to charity。


  The couple will accept presents from close family members, but other guests will be asked to make a confidential charitable donation. Courtiers yesterday confirmed that they are looking at the revolutionary scheme, which will raise hundreds of thousands of pounds for the chosen charities, yet to be decided. ‘William and Kate have everything they need so they have decided that it might be nice to ask for charitable donations instead of presents,’ a source said yesterday. ‘They have said this is their wish and the logistics are being looked into.’


  All donations will be confidential and guests at the April 29 wedding will be advised on how to make postal and online donations when they receive invitations next month. About 300 guests are expected to attend the evening reception at Buckingham Palace, where Prince Charles is hosting a dinner and dance, but many more will be invited to the 11am ceremony and all will want to give gifts。


  When Prince Charles and Lady Diana married in July 1981, they received more than 6,000 gifts, including a piece of crocheted lace made from yarn personally spun by Mahatma Gandhi and a solid gold model of an Arab sailing dhow encrusted with gems from the Emir of Bahrain。



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