三头母狮保护幼崽 齐心合力咬死鳄鱼(组图)

http://www.sina.com.cn   2011年01月19日 16:07   环球时报
三头母狮保护幼崽 齐心合力咬死鳄鱼三头母狮保护幼崽 齐心合力咬死鳄鱼
三头母狮保护幼崽 齐心合力咬死鳄鱼三头母狮保护幼崽 齐心合力咬死鳄鱼

  According to the Daily Mail on January 15, three lionesses pounced on a crocodile in an extraordinary scene after the reptile tried to attack one of the lioness's cubs. The rare scenes were captured by Tony Goldman while on a safari trip to the Duba Plains in Botswana, with his son。

  三头母狮子看到一只鳄鱼企图袭击一只母狮子的幼崽后,一齐扑向这只鳄鱼与之撕咬。这组罕见的图片是托尼 戈德曼和他的儿子在非洲博茨瓦纳旅行中前往杜拜平原时拍摄的。


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