贝克汉姆完美形象毁于一旦 要告妓女

http://www.sina.com.cn   2011年01月19日 16:29   国际在线


  小贝一纸诉状将这位名为Nici的援交告上法庭,去年,Nici在《In Touch》杂志中宣称,与另一位同行曾经贝克汉姆“服务”过,而在事后的几周内,“意犹未尽”的小贝又主动找上门来,这位每晚开价10000美元的援交更煞有介事的称,前前后后和小贝发生了5次性关系。


  David Beckham was "furious" over allegations that he cheated on wife Victoria Beckham with a $10,000 per-night prostitute. The soccer stud fought back against allegations that he'd had "unprotected sex and a threesome" with former call-girl Irma Nici。

  Beckham moved forward with a major lawsuit against In Nici and In Touch Weekly magazine for publishing the scandalous reports of his alleged adultery。

  Now it seems, Beckham is still doing everything he can to clear his name. MTV UK reports that the 35-year-old Brit filed his claim in Los Angeles, launching his lawsuit against the accusatory prostitute and the publisher of the magazine who printed her story for $25 million in damages. Beckham claims the story caused him "severe emotional distress, including extended humiliation, embarrassment, anger and worry."

  The Beckhams, who have been married for 11 years, are expecting their fourth child this July. The couple already have three boys, Brooklyn, Romeo and Cruz, who are ages 11, 8 and 5.


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