
http://www.sina.com.cn   2011年01月20日 10:58   环球时报

  According to "the Newschronicle.com" on January 17, Miss Kitty Hiccups, was crowned the 2011 Miss'd America on Sunday night in the US Atlantic City, where she beat out seven other contestants。

  Kitty Hiccups, also known as 32-year-old David Hyland, graduated from College-Conservatory of Music in the University of Cincinnati. David is happy to call New York City his physical and creative home of ten years! From his love of theatre, make-up artistry, improvisational comedy, and the passion to share joy and laughter, David's next goal is to help raise awareness of human and civil rights equality。

  Miss'd America began in 1993, always the day after the Miss America Pageant。

  据国外网站 "the Newschronicle.com" 1月17日报道,2011年美国"扮装皇后"选拔会于周日晚上在亚特兰大城举行,"美女"吉蒂•西卡伯斯击败其他7位参赛者,夺得桂冠。




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