
http://www.sina.com.cn   2011年01月21日 10:42   环球时报

  A recent research has proved that first impressions are not easy to change. Although contradicted by new experiences in some context, the first impressions still dominate in other cases。

  To investigate the persistence of first impressions, lead researcher Gawronski and his collaborators showed their study participants either positive or negative information about an unknown individual on a computer screen. Then participants were presented with new contrary information about the same individual. And to study the influence of contexts, the researchers changed the background color of the computer screen while participants formed an impression of the target person。

  When the researchers measured participants' spontaneous reactions to the target person, they found the new information influenced participants' reactions only when the person was presented against the background in which the new information had been learned. Otherwise, participants' reactions were still dominated by the first information。

  "Imagine you have a new colleague at work and your impression of that person is not very favorable," said Gawronski. "A few weeks later, you meet your colleague at a party and you realize he is actually a very nice guy. Although you know your first impression was wrong, your gut response to your new colleague will not be influenced by the first impression only in contexts that are similar to the party. However, your first impression will still dominate in all other contexts."






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