章鱼保罗雕像亮相 粉丝可目睹其骨灰(图)

http://www.sina.com.cn   2011年01月24日 10:23   国际在线 官方微博
章鱼保罗雕像亮相 粉丝可目睹其骨灰章鱼保罗雕像亮相 粉丝可目睹其骨灰

  He'll go down in history as one of the faces of 2010 but now three months after his death, Paul the Octopus today received a permanent memorial. The cephalopod shot to fame last summer after correctly predicting the results of several matches in the football World Cup in South Africa. And after he passed away in his sleep in October. The tentacled creature correctly predicted the outcome of eight matches at the 2010 World Cup, including Germany's thrashing of England and Spain's victory over the Netherlands in the final. He cost bookmakers thousands after floating languidly towards boxes of mussels draped in the colours of competing teams in the South African tournament last year。


  The aquarium where Paul lived first mooted the idea of erecting a memorial to the octopus after his death last year and now the soothsayer's legacy has been enshrined with the permanent monument. The statue is around 1.80 metres high with Paul straddled on top of a football, with a see-through window displaying a goden urn containing the octopus's ashes。


  A successor to Paul, a French octopus named Paul II, was unveiled at the aquarium on November 3 after spending two months in quarantine. After the original Paul's death last year, Stefan Porwoll, manager of the Oberhausen Sea Life Centre, said: ‘Paul delighted people from all continents with his seven consecutive correct predictions for the matches of the German national team and for the final. ‘He was dear to all our hearts and we will sorely miss him. It is a comforting thought that he had a good life with us with the best possible care delivered by a committed team. ‘His success made him almost a bigger story than the World Cup itself.'



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