大猩猩用双脚直立走路 人模人样(组图)大猩猩用双脚直立走路 人模人样
大猩猩用双脚直立走路 人模人样
According to the Telegraph on January 26, 21-year-old Ambam the Silverback gorilla has been captured walking around Port Lympne Wild Animal Park in Kent, UK, then became an internet sensation with over 150,000 clicks. By using this man-like walking style, Ambam can carry more food and does not have to get his hands wet when it is raining, according to the gorilla's keeper。 英国《每日电讯报》26日报道,家住英国肯特郡林姆尼港野生动物园的21岁银背大猩猩阿姆巴姆日前被拍摄到用双腿来直立着走路,在网络轰动一时,其视频点击量超过了15万。据一位猩猩饲养员介绍,通过这种“人模人样”的走路方式,阿姆巴姆可以拿更多的食物,且在雨天不必弄湿了自己的双手。 网友评论 |