
http://www.sina.com.cn   2011年01月28日 17:12   环球时报

  Liverpool Hope University's Beatles master's program finally made a graduate on Wednesday. Former Miss Canada finalist Mary-Lu Zahalan-Kennedy has become the first graduate of the groundbreaking degree program in the world。

  Mary-Lu Zahalan-Kennedy joined the program when it started in 2009. She is one of 12 full-time students of the program. She said the course provided insight into the wide-ranging influence of the Beatles。

  "The Beatles, Popular Music and Society," she said. The course not only analyzes the Beatles' music and their impact on Western culture, but also deals with how the port city of Liverpool helped shape the group's identity。

  Liverpool Hope University officials believe the master's program offers the first advanced degree based on the life and times of the Fab Four。






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