贝卢斯科尼再爆性丑闻 参加色情派对

http://www.sina.com.cn   2011年02月09日 13:43   国际在线 官方微博

  Women paid to have sex with Italian prime minister Silvio Berlusconi dressed in nurse and police uniforms and performed stripteases at parties, it was claimed today. The damaging allegations emerged in court documents which are part of a probe into Berlusconi, 74, looking at charges of extortion and using underaged prostitutes. Some women even put on a 'lesbian' show for him and his cronies。


  Former dental hygienist Nicole Minetti, now a local politician representing his party, is named as a recruiter of the girls. According to a telephone tap transcript in the paperwork, a former police officer is heard saying: 'Minetti was there with her chest out kissing Berlusconi continuously. It was a real whorehouse. All the girls were given rings and necklaces.'

  据悉,在对在对现年74岁的意大利总理贝卢斯科尼性丑闻的司法调查中,法院材料指控贝卢斯科尼的情人尼古拉 米内蒂(此人之前是一名牙医助理,负责过修护贝卢斯科尼被打后的牙齿),媒体从法院材料中得知,因贝卢斯科尼被尼古拉 米内蒂的美色所迷,这位匪夷所思的女人竟然成功进军政界,成为自由人民党候选人,并准备出战意大利地方选举。这回贝卢斯科尼“歇菜”是因为他的情人米内蒂曾经在总理位于米兰郊区豪宅的“妓女”聚会中进行“同性恋”表演,并组织雏妓参与这样的淫乱派对后被曝光后产下的“苦果”。

  For almost two years Berlusconi has been involved in a series of sleazy sex scandals but the latest revelations have been the worst yet as sordid details of his infamous 'bunga bunga' parties emerge. The perma tanned politician regularly hosted parties at his residences in Milan, Rome and on the island of Sardinia at which high class escorts and wannabe TV starlets were guests。



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