智利“痴情女”为挽留男友 谎称客机有炸弹

http://www.sina.com.cn   2011年02月10日 18:20   环球时报 官方微博

  On February 6, Chilean woman Grace Guajardo forced an evacuation of a passenger plane just before take-off in a bid to stop her partner from leaving the country for a new job。

  According to a police source, the plane, with more than 300 passengers, was grounded after Grace Guajardo, called authorities warning of a "bomb" on board the flight from Santiago's international airport to Madrid, Spain。

  The false bomb threat was part of an elaborate plan by Guajardo to keep her boyfriend, 39-year-old Rodrigo Gomez from leaving。

  Guajardo had called the airport from her mobile phone demanding that authorities told her boyfriend that his father was seriously ill; when that failed to work she made another call claiming there was a bomb on the plane。

  Rodrigo Gomez was planning to take a job as a waiter in Madrid aboard a cruise ship。

  Guajardo has been charged for making the false bomb threats. Prosecutors decided not to invoke more serious anti-terror laws after hearing the couple's story。

  Outside the court after being charged, Guajardo said: "I'm sorry, but I did it for love"。

  In response to his partners actions Gomez said: "I can't be angry, I have to support her. What she needs is love, nothing more"。










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