双语:俄罗斯某省禁过情人节(图)情人节临近,俄罗斯别尔哥罗德省的学校和机构却接到通知,禁止它们举办任何形式的情人节庆祝活动,该省的很多夜店和商业机构也被禁止策划相关的商业活动。很多保守派的俄罗斯人都认为,情人节、万圣节等西方节日对青少年的精神和道德观念培养毫无益处,各类节日活动纯粹只是让商家获利而已。据悉,该项条令已由别尔哥罗德省省长的高级助理和该省东正教主教联合签署。 俄罗斯某省禁过情人节
Not everybody in Russia is in love with Valentine's Day。 Not everybody in Russia is in love with Valentine's Day。 Authorities in Belgorod province are urging schools and other state institutions to refrain from celebrations marking the heart-shaped holiday, seen by some conservative Russians as an unhealthy foreign phenomenon。 The initiative is part of a recent directive on "measures to provide for spiritual security," which calls on officials to ban Valentine's Day and Halloween celebrations in educational and cultural centers in the province, Russian media reported。 "The very atmosphere of these holidays does not foster the formation of spiritual and moral values in youth, and holding them primarily benefits commercial organizations," RIA quoted provincial government consultant Grigory Bolotnikov as saying。 The directive was signed by the Belgorod governor's top deputy and "blessed" by the province's Russian Orthodox bishop, the state-run news agency said。 Many nightclubs and other businesses in the province 600 km (380 miles) south of Moscow, have also been urged not to plan any special events for the February 14 holiday, according to RIA。 The dominant Russian Orthodox Church has grown increasingly powerful since the collapse of the officially atheist Soviet Union in 1991 and enjoys close ties with the Kremlin leadership。 Its efforts to influence education and secular life have drawn criticism from rights groups and members of minority faiths。 Western-style holidays such as Valentine's Day and Halloween have also gained popularity since the Soviet collapse opened up Russia to the world。 网友评论企业服务 |