双语:“反情人节”损招大揭秘今天是情人节。玫瑰、巧克力、烛光晚餐。今天也是“反情人节”,连连看、单号座、失散兄妹。都知道情人节是Valentine's Day,那么“反情人节”便是Anti-Valentine's Day。 As couples set out Monday to celebrate Valentine's Day with movies and candle-lit dinners, some people have decided to commemorate the day with a different touch - booking all one-bed hotel rooms, buying off all movie tickets and even slapping other people's boyfriend's faces。 这一天,情侣们赶着用看电影、吃烛光晚餐等方式来折腾,一些家伙却决定用另一种方式来庆祝——打电话把酒店大床房预订光,去电影院把单号座全买光,乃至上街扇别人男友耳光。 "We should all go out together on Valentine's Day and slap any couple who come along, and then yell to the guy, 'Don't you tell me it's your sister again!'" “情人节那天我们组团出去,见情侣就打男的一巴掌,大声吼:‘你别告诉我,这又是你妹妹!’” Their extreme measures may be a light joke, but observers point out that the growing anti-Valentine's Day sentiment also sheds light on the increasing phenomenon of "leftover" men and women。 他们的极端手段看起来是个不痛不痒的玩笑,但相关人士指出这种“反情人节”现象实为“剩男”“剩女”现象愈演愈烈的折射。 According to a report, 54.3 percent of men and 45.7 percent of women of over 160,000 people survey nationwide belong to the "leftover" category. The All-China Women's Federation used to identify men above 30 as "leftover" and women above 27. 据调查,全国16万受访者中54.3%的男性以及45.7%的女性属于“剩”行列。而据全国妇女联合会定义,“剩男”指超过30岁的未婚男性,“剩女”指超过27岁的未婚女性。 网友评论企业服务 |