罕见心形巨钻即将拍卖 估价逾千万(图)

http://www.sina.com.cn   2011年02月15日 12:10   环球时报 官方微博
罕见心形巨钻即将拍卖 估价逾千万罕见心形巨钻即将拍卖 估价逾千万

  According to the Daily Mail on February 13, a 56-carat heart-shaped diamond is up for sale with an estimated price tag of between 5.6 million pounds ($9 million) and 7.5 million pounds ($12.1 million). Cut to a perfectly symmetrical heart, this diamond is one of only a handful of 50 carat-plus jewels to be offered over the last 20 years and will be auctioned in Geneva in May。



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