潮词:职场牛人“超级工作者”左手画圆、右手画方这样的场景大家在电视剧里都见过吧。专业人士把这样的表现描述为“分配注意力的能力很强”,也就是说,这些人能够同时关注不同的两件事,而且还能把它们都做好。用我们今天要说的这个词来表示,他们就是supertasker了。 The term "supertasker" is given to individuals able to successfully accomplish two or more tasks at once—a quality possessed by less than 2.5 percent of people。 Supertasker“超级工作者”这个词是用来指代那些能够同时成功完成两件以上任务的人,具备这种素质的人在全部人口中所占的比例不到2.5%。 A new University of Utah study on distraction in the driver's seat finds that a very small percentage of participants were able to do other things successfully while driving (in the study, it was solving math problems and memorizing words) without a drop in performance on any task. In fact, some of these supertaskers performed better while multitasking than they did while completing the tasks alone。 美国犹他大学新近一项针对开车时一心二用的研究发现,确实有很少一部分人能够在开车的同时完成其他任务(在该研究中,驾车者需要解答数学问题,还要背单词),而且各项任务都未出差错。事实上,有些超级工作者在一心二用时完成任务的表现比单独完成一件任务时要更好。 Agencies 网友评论 |