男人年轻就脱发 晚年更易患前列腺癌

http://www.sina.com.cn   2011年02月18日 10:24   国际在线 官方微博

  Widow's peak: A study found those with the disease were twice as likely to have started going bald when they were 20 Men who begin going bald at 20 have twice the risk of prostate cancer in later life, according to research. The link could help identify those most in danger of developing the disease – the most common cancer among men in the UK – and enable them to be targeted for screening。


  A study of 388 prostate cancer patients and 281 healthy volunteers found those with the disease were twice as likely to have started going bald when they were 20. But for those who lost their hair later, when they were 30 or 40, there was no difference in their risk compared to the control group. Until now there has been conflicting evidence about the relationship between hair loss and cancer. Baldness is caused by DHT, a chemical produced by the male hormone testosterone. Studies have also linked testosterone to cancer tumour growth。



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