日本成产出芬芳衬衫 穿上犹如“身置花海”

http://www.sina.com.cn   2011年02月22日 09:39   环球时报 官方微博

  The garments Otoko Kaoru, invented by a Japanese company, have special rose-scented micro-capsules in the collar which, when they come in contact with the skin, release a (presumably manly) fragrance. That way, the wearer smells, well, like something, all day long. The Japanese seem to really like high-tech hygienic clothes。

  The Otoko Kaoru is based on the same theme as the gum which once eaten would be absorbed through the digestive tract and let your skin release the same scent. It's going to be a brilliant product, given that the gum was totally sold out and had to be re-introduced region wise to prevent repetitive sell outs。

  The shirts are going to cost about 3000 yen just around $35 so that's quite affordable. If the product is indeed as big a hit as anticipated then a polo shirt and pajamas are going to be the next releases。

  The shirt actually promises to give out scent after upto 10 washes。

  日本一家公司成产出一种被称为“Otoko Kaoru” 的芬芳衬衫,这种衬衫的衣领里藏有玫瑰香味微型胶囊。当这些胶囊与人的皮肤接触,就会散发出(一般都是充满男性气味的)香味。这样以来,穿着这种衬衫的人一整天都如同置身于“花海当中”。

  芬芳衬衫 “Otoko Kaoru” 制作原理就像是香口胶。人们咀嚼香口胶,香口胶的香味被消化系统吸收后,让人们的皮肤释放出清新香味。芬芳衬衫将是一个辉煌新产品,因为香口胶的市场已经被占据一空,所以,芬芳衬衫生产商不得不开发新领域,避免生产出重复性商品。




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