命大男子遭枪击 口中金牙挡住子弹(图)

http://www.sina.com.cn   2011年02月25日 11:06   国际在线 官方微博
命大男子遭枪击 口中金牙挡住子弹命大男子遭枪击 口中金牙挡住子弹

  New Orleans police said a man who was shot by his brother was spared serious injury when the bullet bounced off his gold tooth。


  Police said Waltdell Davis, 20, used a .22-caliber revolver to shoot his brother, Walter Davis, 22, after an argument. Walter was struck in the upper lip and doctors said all they found was a bullet fragment near his left nostril。


  Paramedics said the victim told them the bullet ricocheted off his gold tooth。


  Walter Davis told police he did not want to press charges against his brother, but Waltdell Davis, who was on probation at the time for possession of anxiety drug alprazolam, was picked up on a probation violation。



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