
http://www.sina.com.cn   2011年02月25日 11:08   国际在线 官方微博

  For most little girls, a cake will suffice for her sixth birthday. But not so for Gracie, whose mother Nicole spent a staggering $32,000 on her birthday party。


  The astonishing costs include $3,000 on invitations, and $2,100 on a nine-tier cake. Nicole also splashed out one Cinderella carriage and actors to play jugglers and jesters in keeping with the medieval princess theme. Gracie was even treated to a day of spa treatments the day before the party。


  Nicole said: "This is going to be a fairytale fantasy party for her because she is still in that prime age where she still believes in fairytales."


  It was anything but a fairytale for Gracie's older brother, Parker, who was bribed $100 to dress up in a medieval costume and hand-deliver the 200 guests' invitations. Gracie's father, Jason, who was made to dress up as a king for the event, said: "This is not a normal party."


  But even this was not enough to impress young Gracie, who rejected her lavish birthday cake because the bird design was purple, not blue. "She's a bit of a perfectionist," Nicole explained。



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