
http://www.sina.com.cn   2011年02月25日 11:54   环球时报 官方微博

  A team of German researchers, led by Raul Rojas, an AI professor at the Freie Universität Berlin, have created a car that can be driven entirely by human thoughts. The car, which has been given the name BrainDriver, was shown off to the world in a video that highlighted the thought-powered driving system on a trip to the airport。

  The BrainDriver technology works by rigging a car up with video cameras, radars and laser sensors to give it a full 3D picture of its surroundings. The driver then puts on a special headset, with 16 sensors on it。

  These sensors convert bioelectric brainwaves into commands read by a computer-controlled vehicle。

  For this to work, the test subject must first train the computer to respond correctly to commands. They do this by thinking of an individual situation for one of four commands - stop, start, left and right。

  The car is currently only in the prototype phase。







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