伦敦商家推出“母乳冰淇淋”A specialist ice cream parlor plans to serve up breast milk ice cream and says people should think of it as an organic, free-range treat。 The breast milk concoction, called the "Baby Gaga," will be available from Friday at the Icecreamists restaurant in London's Covent Garden。 Icecreamists founder Matt O'Connor was confident his take on the "miracle of motherhood" and priced at a hefty 14 pounds ($23) a serving will go down a treat with the paying public。 The breast milk was provided by mothers who answered an advertisement on online mothers' forum Mumsnet。 Victoria Hiley, 35, from London was one of 15 women who donated milk to the restaurant after seeing the advert。 Hiley works with women who have problems breast-feeding their babies. She said she believes that if adults realized how tasty breast milk actually is, then new mothers would be more willing to breast-feed their own newborns。 "What could be more natural than fresh, free-range mother's milk in an ice cream? And for me it's a recession beater too -- what's the harm in using my assets for a bit of extra cash," Hiley said in a statement。 "I tried the product for the first time today -- it's very nice, it really melts in the mouth." The Baby Gaga recipe blends breast milk with Madagascan vanilla pods and lemon zest, which is then churned into ice cream。 O'Connor said the Baby Gaga was just one of a dozen radical new flavors at the shop。 "Some people will hear about it and go, 'yuck' but actually it's pure, organic, free-range and totally natural," he said. "I had a Baby Gaga just this morning and I feel great." 伦敦一家冰淇淋专卖店将向顾客出售母乳制冰淇淋,并表示人们应将其看作有机和天然美味。 这种母乳调制的冰淇淋名为“嘎嘎宝贝”,将于本周五在伦敦(蔬菜花卉市场)科芬园的“冰淇淋爱好者”餐厅出售。 该餐厅创始人马特•奥康纳对自己这款“母乳神奇制品”非常有信心,认为花钱享用的顾客肯定会感到满意。这款冰淇淋每个售价高达14英镑(23美元)。 商家首先在妈咪论坛“母亲网”上发布了一则收购母乳的广告,受到很多位哺乳期女性的响应。 35岁的维多利亚•希利来自伦敦,她在看到广告后向这家餐厅出售了母乳。共有15名女性参与。 希利和无法用母乳哺育宝宝的妈妈们一起工作。她确信如果成年人意识到母乳有多香甜,新妈妈们肯定更愿意亲自用母乳喂宝宝。 希利在一份陈述中说:“还有什么比冰淇淋里新鲜、原汁原味的母乳更天然的呢?而且对我来说,这还能使我在经济衰退的环境中捞点外快。用我自己的母乳赚点钱没什么害处。” “我今天第一次品尝了母乳冰淇淋,味道好极了,入口即溶。” “嘎嘎宝贝”冰淇淋配方在母乳中添加了马达加斯加香草豆和柠檬香,搅拌均匀后制成冰淇淋。 奥康纳表示,“嘎嘎宝贝”只是该店出售的12款独特风味冰淇淋之一。 他说:“不少人听说后会尝一尝,‘听上去有点讨厌’,但其实非常纯正、有机、原味,是完全的纯天然制品。我今早刚吃了一个,感觉很棒。” 网友评论 |