英退役工兵1万英镑购坦克 停自家引抗议

http://www.sina.com.cn   2011年02月28日 10:37   环球时报 官方微博

  Residents in a quiet village of UK are embroiled in an extraordinary neighborhood row after a military enthusiast bought a £10,000 (about$16,187)tank and parked it outside his home。

  The huge green tanklike crane, designed to carry out battlefield repairs, has been sitting in a lay-by since new owner Nicholas Kravchenko of Wolvercote, near Oxford, drove it there last week。

  Residents living in the normally tranquil area of Wolvercote, have branded the machine an ''eyesore''. Police have now been called in to settle the "neighborhood dispute" amid claims the tank was intimidating locals。

  The enthusiast Kravchenko, a retired army engineer, is now refusing to move the vehicle, which came complete with caterpillar tracks and take up three-and-a-half normal parking spaces。

  ''I can go out and drive it any time I like. There's no law to stop anyone having 10 tanks. The council have not said it is anti-social and the police would have been straight on to me if it was parked illegally," he said。

  Neighbors said he was ruining their street. They appealed to Oxford City Council to take action but the authority said it was powerless to act。


  上周,牛津附近的沃夫寇特的居民Nicholas Kravchenko把这个绿色庞然大物开进了小区。这辆这辆战地修理坦克,现在就停在居民区的路肩上。

  习惯了宁静生活的居民,纷纷表示这架战争机器“有碍观瞻“,威胁到了本地安全, 于是召来了警察调停“邻里纠纷”。

  Kravchenko是名退伍工兵,热衷军事, 他拒绝将这辆装着履带,占了3.5个停车位的坦克开走。




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