布吕尼国宴敢玩性感 挑战透明蕾丝袜(图)

http://www.sina.com.cn   2011年03月04日 09:44   国际在线 官方微博

  You have to feel a little bit sorry for Carla Bruni-Sarkozy. The statuesque former fashion-model has been confined to flat ballet pumps since her dangerous liaison with the French president culminated in their nuptials in 2008. But she seems to found a novel way of ensuring all eyes were focussed on her endless long legs at a state dinner last night - by donning a pair of very lacy tights。


布吕尼国宴敢玩性感 挑战透明蕾丝袜布吕尼国宴敢玩性感 挑战透明蕾丝袜

  The first lady of fashion teamed her eye-catching leg-wear with an on-trend one-shoulder black dress and cut an elegant figure as she greeted South African President Jacob Zuma. President Sarkozy and his wife were hosting a sumptuous state dinner at the Elysee Palace last night in honour of the South African president and his wife, Gloria Bongi Ngema-Zuma。

  据悉,当晚的国宴是接待南非总统祖玛以及祖玛夫人Gloria Bongi Ngema-Zuma,第一夫人布吕尼穿着一套黑色半肩优雅黑裙现身,其实,半肩黑裙不奇怪,也算属于布吕尼往昔的风格。但是,大胆的布吕尼选择了一双 “黑色半透明蕾丝有纹路”的丝袜陪同丈夫出席国宴,这,才是让本来就是跟拍时政新闻感觉有些枯燥的记者大哥们大呼过瘾的原因所在。


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