
http://www.sina.com.cn   2011年03月04日 09:49   环球时报 官方微博

  Researchers discovered the brain's self-control mechanism provides restraint in all areas at once。

  They found people with a full bladder were able to better control and "hold off" making important, or expensive, decisions, leading to better judgement。

  Psychologists from the University of Twente in the Netherlands linked bladder control to the same part of the brain that activates feelings of desire and reward。

  The study, published in the journal Psychological Science, also concluded that just thinking about words related to urination triggered the same effect。

  Dr Mirjam Tuk, who led the study, said that the brain's "control signals" were not task specific but result in an "unintentional increase" in control over other tasks。

  "People are more able to control their impulses for short term pleasures and choose more often an option which is more beneficial in the long run," she said。

  In her study, Dr Tuk asked volunteers to drink either five cups of water containing 750 milliliters or take small sips of water from five separate cups。

  They were asked to make eight choices ranging from small, and immediate, rewards to larger, but delayed, ones including choosing to receive either $16 tomorrow or $30 in 35 days。

  They concluded that people with full bladders were better at holding out for the larger rewards later。

  "You seem to make better decisions when you have a full bladder," said Dr Tuk。

  "Maybe you should drink a bottle of water before making a decision about your stock portfolio."

  "Or perhaps stores that count on impulse buys should keep a bathroom available to customers, since they might be more willing to go for the television with a bigger screen when they have an empty bladder."













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