日本研发人形手机 触感酷似人类皮肤

http://www.sina.com.cn   2011年03月08日 11:45   国际在线 官方微博

  It's designed to make you feel closer to the person you are talking to。


  But speaking into this human-shaped mobile phone may prove far more of an alienating experience instead。


  Japanese scientists created the strange rubbery gadget in an attempt to bridge the gap in long-distance relationships。


  It was shown off to the public in Tokyo by researcher Takashi Minato, from the Advanced Telecommunications Research Institute International (ATR)。


  It has an outer-layer that apparently feels like human skin and heats and cools in a similar way


  'The mobile phone may feel like the person you are talking to,' an ATR spokesman said。


  The prototype is slightly bigger than the size of a palm. A speaker is installed in the head of the doll-like gadget and a light-emitting diode in its chest turns blue when the phone is in use and red when it is in standby mode。


  The body resembles a human being but its design is so blurred that it could be taken as either male or female and young or old。


  However, without any number keys it remains unclear how you would use it to dial your friends。


  It was developed by a team including scientists from Osaka University and the mobile telephone operator NTT DoCoMo who described it as a 'revolutionary telecom medium.'

  大阪大学的科学家和o手机运营商NTT DoCoM共同研制这款手机,NTT DoCoMo称这款手机是“革命性电信媒介”。

  They say they hope to add image and voice recognition functions and put it into commercial production within five years。



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