11岁女孩智商162 超过爱因斯坦

http://www.sina.com.cn   2011年03月14日 12:07   中国日报网-英语点津

  British girl Victoria Cowie is 11 years old but she has just been admitted to Mensa after scoring 162 in an IQ test – better than the 160 thought to have been achieved by Albert Einstein, Stephen Hawking and Bill Gates. Only those with an IQ of 148 and above – the top 2 percent of the population – qualify for Mensa。

  Victoria Cowie insists she is just like any other girl her age. "I really enjoy science and doing experiments, but I also love acting and dancing and playing musical instruments. But my favorite subject is biology and I want to be a vet when I'm older because I love animals and I don't mind blood and things like that."

  The average IQ is 100. Victoria's score gives her a higher IQ than Sigmund Freud, who is thought to have had an IQ of 156, Napoleon Bonaparte, with 145, and Hillary Clinton, with 140.

  Victoria has been offered scholarships to four prestigious schools。






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