麦当娜奔丧未还 豪宅遭变态粉丝侵入

http://www.sina.com.cn   2011年03月15日 15:16   国际在线 官方微博
麦当娜奔丧未还 豪宅遭变态粉丝侵入麦当娜奔丧未还 豪宅遭变态粉丝侵入





  Grzegorz Matlok, 29, was wrestled to the ground by bodyguards at 5.30am inside the heavily-fortified ten-bed Georgian townhouse。

  He is said to have climbed in after smashing a side window while the singer was in the US following the death of her grandmother。

  The security team told police who arrested Polish-born Matlok that he had stalked her before。

  The huge home in Marylebone has an array of CCTV cameras and a state-of-the-art alarm。

  But a senior police source told The Sun: "Something dreadful has happened here. The security around the world's most famous pop star should be impregnable."

  Matlok, of no fixed address, was seized on Saturday。

  Elsie helped raise five-year-old Madonna and her five siblings after their mother died of breast cancer。

  Though Madonna saw Elsie in her coffin, she is not believed to have joined family at the church funeral service。

  Madonna has had several stalkers. In October one was found with an ice pick after scrawling "Meet me" outside her New York apartment。

  Ex-Beatle George Harrison survived being stabbed by an intruder in Henley-on-Thames, Oxon, in 1999.


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