
http://www.sina.com.cn   2011年03月19日 21:11   国际在线 官方微博





  Alexander Beck, 17, was on ?6 an hour at the Ocean Delight chippie while studying for school exams。

  He had never modelled before but was spotted in a bookshop by top fashion scout Cesar Perin, who launched him on a career that could earn a fortune。

  Within a month Alexander was walking the catwalk for Italian fashion house Prada at Milan fashion week。

  He then went to Paris fashion week, where Dior sent a car to collect him at the airport。

  Now he is hailed as one of Britain's most promising new faces。

  Alexander, of Thaxted, Essex, said: "I was about to walk out of the bookshop when Cesar shouted, 'Stop, I love your face'。

  "I never in my wildest dreams thought I could be where I am now, travelling the world."

  Alexander follows in the footsteps of top model Agyness Deyn, 28, who was spotted in a chip shop in Ramsbottom, Lancs。

  Cesar, 37, said: "All the labels wanted Alex but Prada booked him exclusively. He's a perfect model, very exotic-looking."


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