Lady Gaga自曝美容陋习:睡前不洗脸   2011年03月21日 15:28   国际在线 官方微博

  猜猜看,Lady Gaga用什么能洗掉脸上夸张的妆容?《People》杂志的最新一期采访中披露,当Gaga有机会洗漱时,她总是用象牙皂把自己的脸洗得纯净无暇。这位流行巨星坦承,在入睡前几乎都不洗脸的。“那样子对皮肤很不好,幸亏我的基因还不错。”

  Lady Gaga的确有自己的一套美容习惯,然而,她的化妆包里总是放有防晒霜。她说,“我不喜欢晒得很黑,因为这样子很容易长皱纹。”


  Ever wonder what Lady Gaga uses to wash the prosthetic horns off her face?

  According to a new interview with People, Gaga has always cleansed with Ivory soap—when she gets the chance to cleanse, that is. The pop star confessed that she rarely washes her face before she goes to bed, admitting, "That's not good for your skin, but I'm blessed with good genes."

  Lady Gaga does have a few beauty rituals, however: She always keeps sunblock in her beauty bag. "I don't like to tan my face because it's bad for wrinkles."

  But Gaga would rather her fans follow their instincts than try to imitate her look. "Just go with your gut," she said. "Whenever you try to be someone else, it's boring."


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