If you're a college grad reading this, chances are you're dying to work for Google。 如果你是名大学生,那么你最青睐的未来东家很有可能就是谷歌。 The latest Universum survey ranked Google as the No.1 employer among young professionals. A group of 10,306 students was asked to pick five ideal employers out of a list of 150, and almost 25 percent of college graduates picked Google, twice the number of graduates who chose Apple。 这份优兴咨询的最新调查显示,最受年轻人青睐的雇主为谷歌。这份面向10306名大学生的调查,让受调查者从150个雇主中挑选五个最理想的雇主,约有25%的大学生选了谷歌,而选苹果公司的数量则只有谷歌的一半。 Perhaps that's explained by Google's efforts to attract graduates to the company, by hosting graduate open houses and tech-related talks, plus running blogs, Twitter feeds and YouTube channels to show what it's like to work there。 这大概是因为谷歌不拘一格招徕大学生,举办各种宣讲会和技术相关讲座,并通过博客、推特、Youtube等各种渠道展示谷歌的工作分文。 The State Department, Disney and Amazon rounded the top five. Government agencies, such as NASA, the FBI and the CIA, also ranked in the top 10. 前五名还包括美国国务院,迪士尼和亚马逊,跻身前十的还有诸如航空航天局,联邦调查局和中央情报局等政府机构。 Respondents were also able to write companies that were not on the list. The top write in? Facebook, of course. Kasia Do, a project manager from Universum, said that graduates chose companies that they appreciated as consumers。 接受调查者还能写出这150家雇主之外的公司,排名第一的是脸谱网。优兴项目经理卡西亚·多称这些大学生倾向选择自我用户体验良好的公司。 网友评论企业服务 |