
http://www.sina.com.cn   2011年03月25日 14:56   新浪教育

  《英语小达人 每天10分钟--奋斗篇》连载

  Anger Management

  I thought I was a calm and collected person until one day at the office when my anger got the best ofme. I was ina meeting and I felt like I wasn’t being   listened to. I felt that my ideas were being put down and people were interrupting me. I couldn’t take it and I shouted,“Listen to me!”

  My sudden8outburst9 made the room go very quiet and I felt embarrassed10. I definitely11 didn’t handle my emotions very well! Not long after theincident, a colleague of mine came to my rescue. She took me for lunch and gave me a book to read。

  It was a book about recognizing your feelingsso you can understand them and not let them control you. It gave me lessons to follow and some great advice. I feel I have come a long way. The other day my supervisor pulled me into her office and told me she recognized an improvement in my attitude. It felt great to hear this and gave me the encouragement I needed to continue working on myself。



  突然的发飙让办公室瞬间鸦雀无声,而我 觉得很尴尬,我显然没有好好控制情绪!这件 事发生没多久,一位同事成了我的救星,她找 我去吃午餐,并给了我一本书阅读,这是一本 有关了解情绪的书。

  一旦了解后就不会被情绪所控制,它给了 我许多值得遵守的训诫以及一些很棒的忠告, 我觉得自己大有进步。有一天,我的上司找我 去她的办公室,并告诉我她觉得我的态度大有 改善,我很高兴听到她这么说,这给了我鼓励, 让我继续工作下去。

  1 anger n. 愤怒

  Tim shouted in anger. 蒂姆愤怒地大叫。

  2 management n. 管理

  Sam has been promoted to the management level. 山姆升职到管理阶层。

  3 collected adj. 平静的

  He tried to calm down and become collected. 他尝试冷静下来并且变得平静了。

  4 get the best of 击败

  The boxer easily got the best of his opponent. 这位拳击手轻而易举便击败对手。

  5 put down 批评

  She always puts down her husband, but he doesn’t mind. 她老是批评她的先生,可是他不在意。

  6 interrupt v. 打断

  Go on. Do not let me interrupt you. 请继续,别让我打断你。

  7 take v. 接受

  I will take your advice. 我会接受你的建议。

  8sudden adj. 突然的

  This is a sudden change in the plan. 这项计划突然生变。

  9 outburst n. 爆发

  He apologized for his outburst just now. 他为他刚才发脾气而道歉。

  10 embarrassed adj. 尴尬的

  Kathy feels embarrassed to ask for help. 凯西对于开口求助感到难为情。

  11 definitely adv. 明显地

  He’s definitely going. 他一定会去。

  12 handle v. 处理

  Ms. Hopkins handles the company’s accounts. 霍普金斯小姐负责处理公司的账务。

  13 emotion n. 情绪

  Kevin doesn’t like to express his emotions. 凯文不喜欢表达他的情感。

  14 incident n. 事件

  We decided never to tell anyone about the incident. 我们决定绝不告诉任何人这件事。

  15 colleague n. 同事

  That lady in blue is my colleague. She works for the accounting department. 那个穿蓝衣的女子是我会计部的同事。

  16 rescue n. 拯救

  Rescue was at hand. 救援马上就到。

  17 feeling n. 感情

  Sue was guided by feeling rather than thought. 苏跟着感觉走,而不是经过深思熟虑。

  18 lesson n. 训诫

  Peter has learned his lesson and won’t drive above the speed limit. 彼得已学到教训,再也不会超速驾驶。

  19 advice n. 忠告

  I should have taken his advice. 早知道我就听他的忠告。

  20 have come a long way 进展

  Her translation skills have come a long way during the past two years。她的翻译能力在过去两年大有进展。

  21 supervisor n。上级

  The contractor was caught bribing the supervisors. 那名建筑商人被抓到对监督单位行贿。

  22 improvement n. 进步

  I cannot see any improvement in his writing。我看不到他的写作有任何进步。

  23attitude n. 态度

  His awful attitude toward the Israelis is because of his bias. 他因为偏见而对犹太人态度很糟。

  24 encouragement n. 鼓励

  Charles owed his success to his wife’s encouragement. 查尔斯把成功归功于太太的鼓励。

  25 continue v. 继续

  We continued to meet every month. 我们每个月都见面。

  来源:《英语小达人 每天10分钟--奋斗篇》


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