创意书本雕刻:书中自有颜如玉?(组图)book 1
book 2
Dutch literature is promoted every year through an event called the Dutch Book Week. This edition is dedicated to (auto)biographies, as each year a different genre is being profiled and popularized。 荷兰每年都举办Dutch Book Week读书周活动,来宣传荷兰文学。每年宣传的文学体裁都不同,今年这一届是主要讲自传文学的。 Written Portraits was the winning concept for the current advertising campaign promoting the event and was envisioned by Markus Ravenhorst and Maarten Reynen。 本次广告宣传的主题就是“书写的肖像”——也即大家看到的,将书镌刻成人脸的模样。 book3
这里雕刻的是德国著名作家Anne Frank的肖像,她的成名作《安娜日记》真实记录了二战时纳粹杀害犹太人的历史事实。 Book 4
It is nice to see creative advertising campaigns dedicated to promoting culture。 创意广告用于推广文化,这本身就是很值得赞许的。 Book 5
The series is quite impressive and features amazing prints of realistic-looking book sculptures。 这一系列的创意令人印象深刻,人脸的雕刻相当逼真。海报中的荷兰语GeschrevenPortretten翻译成英文就是written portraits。 网友评论企业服务 |