高跟鞋是很多女性钟爱的物品之一,穿高跟鞋的女人似乎身形会变得更近婀娜,女人味好像也浓厚了起来。可大家都知道,穿高跟鞋从来都不是件容易的事。女人们的双脚不知要受过多少次折磨才能适应那个“优雅的”三角形支架。现在好了,各大潮牌在2011年纷纷推出了一款既能增高又不让双脚受罪的高跟鞋—— flatforms。 If you love wearing high-heeled shoes but hate the torturous impact they have on your feet, then your prayers could be answered by the latest trend in shoe fashion. Dubbed 'the shoe of 2011', flatforms are a striking new addition to the footwear repertoire of the fashion-conscious。 如果你喜欢穿高跟鞋,但又不愿意让双脚受折磨,那么最近流行的鞋品应该就是你一直在寻找的。被誉为“2011年度鞋品”的flatforms“厚平底鞋”是时尚达人们新近添置的最新鞋品。 Flatform shoes, or just simply flatforms for short, are women's shoes that have a raised sole which is usually at least three (and sometime as much as five) inches (between 7 and 12 cm) thick. In conventional high-heeled shoes, the heel is much higher than the rest of the shoe, causing the wearer to place their foot at an angle。 Flatforms(flatform shoes的缩写形式)指鞋底厚约3英寸(有时会到5英寸,也就是7到12厘米)的女鞋。传统的高跟鞋一般都是鞋跟部分要比鞋底高出很多,我们穿着的时候脚其实是位于一个三角形的支架上。 In flatforms, by contrast, the front of the shoe is the same height as the back, enabling the wearer to keep their foot completely flat. This means that the shoes are, allegedly, much more comfortable than traditional high-heels, making the wearer taller but keeping their feet level so they aren't forced to balance or hobble around at an awkward angle with toes on the ground and ankles in the air。 与之不同的是,“厚平底鞋”的前后鞋底高度相同,这样穿着的时候脚就是完全放平的。也就是说,这样的鞋应该要比传统的高跟鞋更舒适,帮助穿着的人增高的同时还能保持她们的双脚处于水平状态。女同胞们也不用以脚趾着地、脚踝悬空的姿势一瘸一拐走路了。 网友评论企业服务 |