双语:Lady gaga自爆染发太多掉发严重(图)

http://www.sina.com.cn   2011年03月26日 17:37   国际在线







  雷人教母也会有自己的烦恼,Lady gaga最近自爆受掉发困扰,原因是用了过多的染发剂。



  LADY GAGA has revealed she has dyed her hair so much that it is falling out。

  The Poker Face singer has spent years dyeing her brunette locks peroxide blonde。

  The 24-year-old star said she now has to "get a chemical haircut because my blonde hair is falling out"。

  GaGa has also sported extreme hairdos as part of her crazy fashion styles。

  But experts warn that women wearing hair up, braided, or scraped into a tight pony-tail can develop the condition traction alopecia。

  Sun doctor Carol Cooper said: "The hair literally gets tugged out of the follicle in the scalp, causing hair loss。

  "This is most likely at the front or at the temples, because hairline hair is weaker than hair on the rest of the head. But traction alopecia can happen anywhere on the scalp."

  GaGa also admitted to a US magazine that she goes to bed wearing make-up every night. She said: "That's not good for your skin, but I'm blessed with good genes."

  GaGa named the late PRINCESS DIANA as her beauty icon - along with her mother, CYNTHIA GERMANOTTA。

  Explaining her trademark pale complexion, she said: "I don't like to tan my face because it's bad for wrinkles."

  And she advised fans that her main beauty tip is simply to be yourself. She said: "Just go with your gut. Whenever you try to be someone else, it's boring."

  The madcap American performer also confessed that she has problems with painful feet from constantly wearing high heels。


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