
http://www.sina.com.cn   2011年03月28日 16:29   沪江英语

  Once the sole preserve of tacky tourist T-shirts, the heart symbol – as in I ‘heart’ New York – has become the first graphical entry in the Oxford English Dictionary in its 127-year history。

  在牛津英语词典127年的历史中,首次将爱心符号收录当做正式单词,即正如上图中出现在T恤中表示“I 'heart' New York”的符号。

  The entry is one of several controversial phrases among 45,436 new definitions in the latest online edition of the OED。

  这次收录的心形符号是牛津在线词典最新收录的45, 436个新词条中比较受争议的一个。(OED: Oxford English Dictionary )

  Others include the text message abbreviation OMG, meaning ‘oh my God’, ‘Wags’, for footballers’ wives and girlfriends, and ‘singledom’, to reflect the growing number of single people。

  其他的诸如短消息缩写词“OMG”,表示的就是“Oh my God。”的意思;“Wags”表示足球运动员的“wives and girlfriends(妻子和女友们)”(最早被英国媒体用来形容贝克汉姆的老婆及其队友的太太和女友们),而“singledom”指的则是日益增长的单身群体。

  Record levels of obesity have led to the inclusion of ‘muffin top’, meaning ‘a roll of flesh which hangs visibly over a person’s tight-fitting waistband’。

  急速增长的肥胖人群促使“muffin top”(松饼顶)被收录词条,意思是指某人(特别是女性)紧裤腰勒出来的腰部赘肉。(类似于中文说的“游泳圈”)

  Graeme Diamond, of the OED, said: ‘While symbols do become spelt-out words relatively frequently, it is usually only with a mundane meaning as the name of the symbol – ‘star’ for *, ‘hash’ for #, and so on. It’s very unusual for it to happen in such an evocative and tangential way。


  ‘In English since the late 12th century, the heart has been thought of as the seat of love and affection.’


  The OED, widely regarded as the accepted authority on the English language, contains the meaning, history, and pronunciation of 600,000 words – past and present – from across the English-speaking world。



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