
http://www.sina.com.cn   2011年03月29日 15:10   国际在线

  A song named "Friday" by a California teenager that has been mercilessly panned by music critics has topped 30 million views on YouTube and rocketed up Apple's iTunes charts。


  "Friday," sung by 13-year-old Rebecca Black, was uploaded to YouTube last month by Ark Music Factory. "7 am, waking up in the morning, gotta be fresh, gotta go downstairs, gotta have my bowl, gotta have cereal." "Yesterday was Thursday, today is Friday …tomorrow is Saturday and Sunday comes afterwards."


  As the tune began to attract attention on YouTube, a Yahoo! music blog called it a "mind-meltingly horrific song" and asked readers "Is YouTube Sensation Rebecca Black's 'Friday' the Worst Song Ever?" Time magazine described "Friday" as a "train wreck" and the video as "hilariously dreadful."

  这首曲子在YouTube开始受到注意之际,某雅虎音乐博客称这首歌是“腐蚀人心可怕的歌曲”,并询问读者“YouTube热门人物布莱克的《星期五》是否是有史以来最烂的歌?”《时代》杂志则形容《星期五》像是“问题火车”,视频更是 “滑稽恐怖”。

  The poor reviews only fueled more interest in the video and it has become a viral hit, racking up millions of YouTube views, making Black an Internet sensation. But the little girl confessed to ABC's Good Morning America that some of the comments had made her cry. "When I first saw all these nasty comments I did cry, I felt like this was my fault and I shouldn't have done this."


  Now Lady Gaga stands out and defends:" I think it's fantastic. I say Rebecca Black is a genius and anyone that's telling her she's cheesy is full of [expletive deleted]."

  而如今Lady Gaga则出面表示支持:“我认为这首歌很棒。丽贝卡·布莱克是个天才,任何说她不怎么样的人都是[此处省略不文明用语若干字。”



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