
http://www.sina.com.cn   2011年03月29日 18:13   沪江英语



  但是让人没有想到的是,在最后的男嘉宾提问的环节中,安田问女嘉宾“如果中了一千万美元大奖会怎么花? ”的问题。安田希望的答案是能够成立基金会,帮助穷人,为人民服务,但女嘉宾的回答相去甚远,于是安田最终选择了独自离开。


  小编点评:安田,这个美国思维的ABC(America Born Chinese),以他的灿烂的笑容和真诚的谈吐征服了很多网友,还有他的那句“为人民服务”发人深省。节目播出之后,他在现场提到的“哈佛校训”很快为网友热搜的关键词。可是,小编几经搜索查找出处时发现哈佛大学图书馆墙上的二十条训言并不包括安田说的那句哦。今天的【热门事件学英语】我们来一探究竟。


  Enter to grow in knowledge, depart to better serve the country and the kind. 入学是为了更好地增长知识,毕业是为了更好地回报祖国和人民。 这就是哈佛版的“为人民服务”。可惜,安田当时口误了,最准确的版本是:

  Enter to grow in wisdom. Depart to serve better thy country and thy kind. 当然,意思上是没有差啦!


  On the threshold of Harvard Yard and Massachusetts Avenue stands Dexter Gate, donated to the college in 1890. It cuts through Wigglesworth Hall, and anybody who lives in a river house walks through it at least once a day. But for all of its traffic, few students notice the carved inscriptions in the stone arch above the gate. The outside of the gate reads, “Enter to grow in wisdom,” while the inside bears the message, “Depart to serve better thy country and thy kind."

  原来如此,“Enter to Grow in Wisdom”和“Depart to Serve Better Thy Country and Thy Kind” 是分别刻在Dexter门的内外门楣上,Dexter门是为了纪念1890年毕业生Samuel Dexter所建。有图有真相:

Enter To Grow In WisdonEnter To Grow In Wisdon
Depart to Serve Better Thy Country And Thy KindDepart to Serve Better Thy Country And Thy Kind


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