夏奇拉自曝私房照 坐拥男友沐浴爱河(图)

http://www.sina.com.cn   2011年03月30日 17:58   国际在线
夏奇拉自曝私房照 坐拥男友沐浴爱河夏奇拉自曝私房照 坐拥男友沐浴爱河

  After months of speculation, Shakira has confirmed her relationship with Spanish footballer Gerard Pique in a thoroughly modern method. The Colombian pop star, 34, has bypassed confirmations by her publicist and magazine deals and instead posted a romantic picture of the couple on Twitter. The romantic snap shows the smiling pair in front of a beach setting with the sun beaming down on them and their arms wrapped around each other, with the simple message: 'I present to you my sunshine.'



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