愚人节到来 整盅大战揭幕

http://www.sina.com.cn   2011年04月01日 17:02   中国日报网-英语点津

  The day that gullible people dread and pranksters adore is on its way。

  April Fools' Day begins in only a matter of hours and enthusiasts are already getting ready with some sneaky plans。

  "I'm texting my mum after college & telling her I’m running away to marry some guy & watch her have a heart attackLOOL," one Twitter user tweeted。

  Another user tweeted that she wasn't going to be pulling any pranks this year after one turned out to be a little too close to home last year。

  "Last year my April fools joke was I was pregnant," one user tweeted. "The next day I found out I really was. NOT doing that this year!!"

  While some of the pranks have become predictable like people telling their friends and families that they're pregnant or moving or in jail, it's tradition for big companies like Google and Starbucks to try to trick their users on the day with some of the more memorable pranks of the year。

  In 2000, Google began the tradition by telling everyone to sit in front of their computer so that Google could scan their brainwave activity, among other things. And last year, Google convinced users that they had a plug-in that would provide audio feedback depending on what users do and what they browse。

  Starbucks, meanwhile, jokingly introduced new sizes like including the 2-ounce Micra and 128-ounce Plenta。

  And as pranksters are getting their ideas set, many are just planning on staying out of the fooling battle。

  "I am dreading April fools day tomorrow! Last year the crew got me bad, cream and bustard in hair doesn't go well ." one Twitter user lamented。












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