年迈夫妇人造孙子 用已故儿子的精子

http://www.sina.com.cn   2011年04月06日 10:13   国际在线

  Ohad Ben-Yaakov was only 27 when he died —and now his devastatedparents want to have his baby!

  Ohad Ben Yaakow离开人世的时候年仅27岁——现在他饱受对儿子思念之苦的父母想给他要个儿子!

  We don’t know whether this is a touching story or a bizarreone. After their son Ohad died from a work-related accident, Israeli couple Mali and Dudi Ben-Yaakov are petitioningthe Israeli attorney general for the right to impregnatea surrogateof their choosing with his sperm—which they extracted while he was in a coma。

  我们不知道是该用感人还是奇怪来描述这个故事。在他们的儿子Ohad因为一次工作事故去世之后,Israeli夫妇Mali和Dudi Ben-Yaakov就向以色列司法部长请愿说想用儿子的精子来孕育一个新生命——精子是他们在儿子昏迷不醒的时候采集的。

  “If we were entitled to donatethe organs of our son why are we not entitled to make use of his sperm in order to bring offspring to the world?” Mali and Dudi asked back。


  The idea of posthumouschildbearingis an odd idea on its own. But in this case, the fact that it is the grandparents —and not one of the parents – who want to go through with the procedure is even stranger。


  Ohad wasn’t married, and there were no verbal or written messages left for his parents that describe his having a need to become a father. Did he even want to be a parent? Or was he thinking about it? It sounds like this could be considered a violation of his wishes。


  We get that they are trying to fill a void and remember their son’s life. But there are many ways to grieve —this just may not be the right solution。



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