Relief efforts have been in overdrive since the earthquake and subsequent tsunami hit the north-east coast of Japan two weeks ago. And in that short time, countless fashion labels have put their talents to good use, designing products and launching charity initiatives in aid of the cause. From T-shirts to tote bags, a range of affordable and stylish items have been created to help benefit the victims of the Japanese disaster. Call for action: This t-shirt by Opening Ceremony ($30) is an example of how fashion designers are clubbing together to help raise funds for the Japanese tsunami relief, 100 percent of this piece goes to the Red Cross 日本海啸引发的灾难带给我们灾难一个接一个,房屋摧毁、核辐射、以及食品被污染的威胁等等,让人不禁联想起好莱坞灾难大片《2012》中的恐怖场景,在这个灾难多发的年代,媒体的目光持续关注灾害的进展以及日本国内民众和殃及到周边国家的民众的生活情况,尽管如此,诸多的时尚大牌,比如:安娜苏、托里·伯奇等等还是紧跟社会热点的步伐快速地推出了以“日本海啸地震”相关的时尚设计(T恤、手袋、时尚小饰品)希望能通过人们对时尚的关注筹得为日本海啸募捐的善款,尽早让海啸灾民得到帮助,据悉,在这些国际大牌为海啸举行的产品开幕式中,售卖产品后取得的善款全部捐给了国际红十字会。 网友评论企业服务 |