
http://www.sina.com.cn   2011年04月06日 17:48   中国日报网-英语点津




  Justin Bieber decided to give his mother a special birthday treat by presenting her with a cake on stage, but it all went terribly wrong when her hair caught on fire。

  The teen sensation surprised his mother Pattie while on tour in Berlin when he asked her to come out on stage。

  ‘Mum, where are you?’ He said in front of thousands of screaming fans and encouraged her to step out from backstage。

  Pattie mouthed ‘Oh my god! Thank you.’ As her son said: ‘This is for you, and I need everyone to sing happy birthday.’

  But as the crowd belted out the song and Pattie started to blow out her birthday cake candles, her hair suddenly caught on fire from one of the flames。


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