
http://www.sina.com.cn   2011年04月13日 09:04   国际在线



  Some observers claim the actress' assets appear to have gained a couple of cup sizes in stills from flick Melancholia that show her lying starkers on a rock。

  The star's buxom turn seems to be at odds with bikini snaps of the 28-year-old in the real world。

  Others have even questioned whether a body double may have been used for the adult shot。

  Either way, it's good that Kirsten is now healthy again。

  She checked into rehab in 2008 to undergo treatment for depression following a series of debauched nights out on the town。

  The actress went public with her blues battle to highlight the struggles many successful women face。

  Her new film tells the tale of two sisters whose relationship is challenged with the news that a nearby planet is threatening to catastrophically collide with Earth。


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