
http://www.sina.com.cn   2011年04月13日 09:09   环球时报

  Men who say they have been sexually or physically assaulted by an intimate partner can suffer significant psychological trauma, US researchers say。

  Anna Randle reviewed two decades of research involving domestic violence effects on men。

  The review, published in the Psychology of Men & Masculinity, found men abused by their female partners can suffer significant psychological trauma, such as post-traumatic stress disorder, depression and suicidal thoughts。

  The National Violence against Women Survey, which surveyed 8,000 men and 8,000 women, in 1998, indicates 8 percent of men and 25 percent of women report being assaulted sexually or physically by an intimate partner。

  However, research has shown severe under reporting of spousal or partner abuse of men, Randle says. For example, men are not as likely to report serious injuries due to abuse and psychological or less violent abuse is more likely to go unreported to authorities。

  In addition, police are less likely to arrest female suspects accused of violence than males, Randle says。

  "Given the stigma surrounding this issue and the increased vulnerability of men in these abusive relationships, we as mental health experts should not ignore the need for more services for these men," Randle says in a statement。









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