
http://www.sina.com.cn   2011年04月14日 17:34   中国日报网-英语点津

  人们总说,内在的素质最重要。不过,英国最近的一项研究显示,人的面部特征对其成功与否也有一定的影响。研究人员对英超切尔西老板、石油巨头罗曼• 阿布拉莫维奇,印度钢王拉克西米•米塔尔,威斯敏斯特公爵,喜力啤酒继承人夏琳•卡瓦柳等英国的成功男性和女性的面部特征分析后,发现这些人的面部都有相似的一些特征,比如:男性都有罗马鼻,眼距和鼻翼都较宽,而女性共有特征则显示为人中(即鼻子到上唇之间的距离)长、额头高、眉宇宽。也就是说,具备这些特征的人更有可能成功。研究人员表示,人的面部特征不仅能影响一个人的成功之路,对其性格特征也有决定作用。


  Winning combination: A composite image of what Britain's most successful male and female would would look like。

  We're always told that it's what's inside that counts. But a new study reveals that facial features could well be linked to boardroom success。

  And if you look anything like the top ten men and women in the rich list, chances are you too are going to get filthy rich。

  Experts scrutinised the features of the UK's most successful people and came up with the facial model most likely to get ahead in the world。

  The researchers examined the likes of Roman Abramovich, Lakshmi Mittal, the Duke of Westminster, Lady Tina Green and Heineken heir Charlene Carvalho and came up with a composite made up of those of the 10 richest men and women in the UK。

  The result, they say, shows what features are most likely to make you a mega-rich tycoon or entrepreneur。

  Men possessing the Roman nose, wide set eyes and flared nostrils could be destined for wealth and business success, as opposed to a man with a ski-slope or up-turned nose, who is likely to be a poor money manager。

  Phillip Green, they say, has the archetypal Roman nose, the Duke of Westminster is said to have flared nostrils, while Lakshmi Mittal is declared as having wide-set eyes。

  Female features that proved common in successful women were long philtrums (the groove that runs from the nose to the upper lip), high foreheads and flared eyebrows。

  According to the study, Lady Tina Green, wife of billionaire Sir Philip and a resident of tax haven Monaco has a long philtrum, while Heineken heir Charlene de Carvalho has a high forehead。

  The experts who carried out the research - so-called personologists - belong to a branch of psychologists who explore the correlation between the shape of a person's face and their behaviour。

  Mark Riley, Marketing Director of MyJobGroup.co.uk, responsible for commissioning the study, said: 'Success in business is down to many factors, one of which could well be our facial features。

  'Following our analysis, we were surprised to see how prominent certain features were in the faces of the UK’s ten richest men and women.'

  But all is not necessarily lost if you don't share the common features of success。

  'Whether or not you match up to our ‘Face of Success’ images, one of the most important factors in business success is being in the right job at the right time,' added Mr Riley。

  It's not only wealth that personologists claim to be able to predict using facial features。

  Different physical characteristics can be attributed to specific personality types, they claim. Personology expert, George Roman, said: "People with thin, soft, looser or porcelain-like skin tend to be more impressionable both emotionally and physically。

  'Those with thin, fine hair are refined emotionally. A thick, full lower lip indicates spontaneous generosity to friends and strangers as well as talkativeness.'



  Roman nose: Has an eye for a bargain, very cost conscious and a desire for money

  Sloped back forehead: Quick to respond and can think on their feet

  Ears set back on head: Focuses on the future and can be extravagant

  Wide set eyes: Sees the bigger picture and is a multitasker

  Protruding chin: Tenacious

  Flared nostrils: Very independent and high self reliance

  Inverted ‘V’ eyebrows: Good at seeing the overall picture


  Long philtrum: Dry sense of humour and sarcastic at times but doesn’t take criticism too personally

  Flared eyebrows: Enjoys the limelight and is very creative

  Roman nose: Has an eye for a bargain, very cost conscious and a desire for money

  Sloped back forehead: Quick to respond and can think on their feet

  High forehead: Needs intellectual challenges and thinks outside the box


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