17岁泰国少女身高2米 创造发育奇迹(图)

http://www.sina.com.cn   2011年04月14日 17:43   国际在线
17岁泰国少女身高2米 创造发育奇迹17岁泰国少女身高2米 创造发育奇迹

  17-year-old Malee Duangdee from Thailand has been crowned as the tallest teenager in the world at a whopping 6 feet 10 inches (2.08 meters) and she could still be growing. At the age of 12, she just could reach 1.88 meters. Medics found a brain tumor that caused a hormone imbalance which meant she never stopped growing - and now she has to have an injection that costs 2,000 pounds every three months to control her growth。



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