欧洲小国出租 一晚7万美元(图)欧洲小国出租 一晚7万美元
The principality of Liechtenstein has decided to make itself available to private clients, from $70,000 a night, complete with customized street signs and temporary currency. This historic and picturesque patch of Europe is made up of just 11 villages and has about 33,000 inhabitants。 The starting price of $70,000 a night, and is for two nights' minimum and for up to 150 people. Upon arrival in Liechtenstein, visitors would be presented with the symbolic key to the state, followed by wine tasting at the estate of the head of state, Prince Hans-Adam II。 Other options include tobogganing, fireworks and horse-drawn carriage rides through the capital Vaduz。 This whole-country-rental idea started with rapper Snoop Dogg. Last year Snoop Dogg tried to hire it to use in a music video, but received a refusal from authorities. Since then they have woken up to the marketing opportunities of their mountainous landscape。 Despite all these attractions, Liechtenstein has yet to be rented out – although a couple recently came close to hiring it for their wedding until the marriage was called off。 欧洲小国列支敦士登日前决定充分“亲民”,以7万美元一晚的价格将整个国家面向私人出租,租客有权为该国的街道命名和使用临时专用货币。这个历史悠久风景如画的欧洲国家仅有11个村落,常住人口约33000人。 据了解,该国租金一晚起价为7万美元,以两个晚上开始起租,客户人数上限为150人。客户一旦租下这个国家,列支敦士登将为他举行象征性的仪式,随后在列支敦士登国家元首汉斯•亚当二世的私人地窖品尝葡萄酒。 其他待遇还包括乘雪橇滑雪、观看烟火、乘坐马车“视察”首都瓦杜兹。 这个“出租国家”的灵感得益于美国说唱歌手“史努比狗狗”。去年他曾试图租下列支敦士登,用于拍摄音乐录影带,但遭到该国政府拒绝。但此后,列支敦士登政府意识到自己国家的大好河山商机无限。 尽管条款令人垂涎,但还没有人来租借这个国家。据悉,一对情侣本打算租下该国举行婚礼,但婚礼却因故取消。 网友评论企业服务 |