《肉蒲团》香港上映 票房超过《阿凡达》(图)

http://www.sina.com.cn   2011年04月22日 17:48   环球时报
《肉蒲团》香港上映 票房超过《阿凡达》《肉蒲团》香港上映 票房超过《阿凡达》

  A movie billed as the world's first 3-D porn film has broken a box office record - outselling Avatar on its opening day。

  Film fans flocked to see 3D Sex and Zen: Extreme Ecstasy after it opened in packed cinemas across Hong Kong, reports The Sun. It took 219,852 pounds on its first day, eclipsing the previous record for Hong Kong set by James Cameron's 2009 3-D sci-fi epic which earned 207,638 pounds。

  The 1.9-million pound Cantonese-language film features full nudity and camouflaged lovemaking scenes. Set in the Ming dynasty, it tells the tale of a sexually frustrated scholar who realizes his ex-wife is the love of his life。

  The production is a remake of a 1991 Hong Kong movie by the same name. The original 1991 film Sex and Zen is still the highest-grossing Hong Kong adult movie of all time。






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