
http://www.sina.com.cn   2011年05月04日 11:20   国际在线





  After getting pelted on stage, it seemed Justin Bieber was in no mood for an Egg McMuffin meal。

  Instead, the teen singer settled for a Burger King as he was spotted jetting out of Sydney, Australia, today。

  The 17-year-old star had the embarrassing misfortune of being egged on Friday night during a performance in front of thousands of screaming fans at the the city's Acer Arena。

  Footage of the incident showed two eggs landing within a metre of the Canadian superstar。

  Then four more eggs appeared to fall from directly above the singer, prompting some internet users to question if the incident was all a set-up。

  According Australia's Herald Sun, Justin didn't miss a beat during the egg incident

  He continued performing as a helper quickly cleaned up the mess。

  The egg attack outraged many Biebers fans who quickly took to the internet。

  One web user named Taylor wrote on Thejustinbiebershrine.com: 'I was soo angry when I saw this, I hate whoever did this. Why bother?



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