玛丽亚-凯莉龙凤胎降生 女孩叫梦露(图)

http://www.sina.com.cn   2011年05月05日 16:49   国际在线


  孩子出生后,凯莉就在自己的博客掀起了猜测孩子名字的游戏,而就在昨天玛利亚·凯莉在自己微博上公布了龙凤胎的名字,男孩叫Moroccan Scott Cannon 女孩叫做Monroe Cannon,两个孩子的名字都是有寓意的,男孩的Moroccan意为摩洛哥,取自玛利亚·凯利的房屋设计有摩洛哥风格,而中间名字Scott取自丈夫名字。女孩Monroe则意味梦露,是为纪念玛丽莲·梦露而来,和男孩不同,凯莉决定不会给她取中间名字,因为自己也没有。

  Doting daddy Nick Cannon arrives at the hospital this afternoon to visit his wife Mariah and their new-born twin babies。

  The America's Got Talent presenter dressed in full-white as he made his way into a Santa Monica maternity ward。

  It comes after Mariah and Nick finally revealed the names of their twins。

  The couple, who welcomed the babies on Saturday in Los Angeles, have named their son Moroccan Scott and daughter Monroe。

  Happy couple: New parents Mariah and Nick

  The unusual monikers have sentimental value to the couple, who renewed their marriage vows on the same day the children were born。

  The top tier of Mariah’s New York City apartment is called the Moroccan Room, because of the Moroccan-inspired decor, and it is the room where Nick proposed to his wife。

  Scott is 30-year-old Nick’s middle name, as well as his grandmother’s maiden name。

  Their daughter was named after Hollywood icon Marilyn Monroe。

  Mariah, 42, has long cited the Fifties actress as an inspiration and she even owns the late star's white piano。

  They decided not give their daughter a middle name because Mariah herself does not have one。

  Spokesperson Cindi Berger told CNN: 'It has been a long, emotional journey for this family, and I couldn’t be happier for all of them.'

  Earlier this week, Mariah took to Twitter to stir up a guessing game about the names。

  The proud pop diva hinted that both names begin with the letter 'M' and is urged her followers to submit their theories。

  It is not known if any fans guessed correctly。








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